About Us
Often the neglected or disenfranchised members of the community, Red Ladder’s participants span a wide range of ages, experiences and abilities, with backgrounds that often include racial segregation, economic hardship, teen pregnancy, developmental disability, housing insecurity or incarceration. The company fills the void where the resources to nurture life-skills critical to the healthy development of children and enrichment programs for struggling adults are not available.
Red Ladder combines performances based on strong social issues – issues central to the lives of our participants – with workshops that explore and celebrate the artistic process. Red Ladder encourages participants to try on alternate modes of behavior, so that when they’re presented with problems in their daily lives, they have the tools with which to utilize a different perspective and make difficult choices. Participants realize that they have options – that there is more than one possibility for them. It is why we say of Red Ladder that it is “a rehearsal for a healthy life.”
“I never knew what a noun was until I had to be one!”
Red Ladder Theatre Company is a nationally acclaimed, award-winning social justice theatre company. Formed in 1992, Red Ladder works with a wide range of under-resourced populations within the community, using the tools and techniques of improvisational theatre to help its participants develop positive life-skills.
Red Ladder is founded on the understanding that the most essential component of a healthy individual is the creative spirit, and when a person’s creative impulses are revered, encouraged and nurtured, positive change occurs. By working with the professional actors in the company, participants are encouraged to engage their imaginations and envision the broadest range of possibilities for themselves.
Awards and REcognition:
GenArts’ Movers and Shakers Award
Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle Paine Knickerbocker Award
Girl Scouts of Santa Clara County World of the Arts Award
National Arts and Humanities Coming Up Taller Semi Finalist
To download an informational flyer about Red Ladder click here.